Tag Archives: God

Oh God, let all the peoples praise thee!

Bill Hybels gracious announcement that Starbuck’s Howard Schultz backed out of a conference because of a few misinformed protesters.

I love his explanation of Willow Creek’s stance on sexual ethics. This is how the church should be; open to all. My home church has the motto emblazoned on the front wall from Psalm 67:3:

Oh God, let all the peoples praise thee!

If only we could live out that ideal and be more open to encourage it, more accepting of people (like Jesus did) and allow God to do the work of changing us into his likeness (like Jesus did).

Jesus taught people and corrected people but never rejected them, he was never ‘anti’ anyone or any particular lifestyle or social group and neither should his church be.

A Theory of God

I have a theory of God which is made up of what I learn from the Bible plus my own understanding of my own experiences and those around me (although I hold God’s word superior to my own understanding) seen through in the light of God’s word. As I gather more experiences and seek a deeper understanding of God’s word my theory (theology) is refined and adjusted accordingly.

God does not change, only my personal understanding of him.